Saturday, April 19, 2008

Guapc Photo Walk 1 (Strathcona)

For the most part, we were familiar to each other only through a 'gazillion' data packets of 0's and 1's. But on Saturday, we decided to meet up. Yes, Vancouver flickr personalities became reality at the first GUAPC (Genius or Unemployed Alley Prowling Collective) photo walk in beautiful Strathcona.
And beautiful it was; the temperature flirting with 20, the sun shining. I was running late but, as I passed the swinging tire on Princess Avenue, I saw an unmistakable circle of people and cameras outside the community centre on Keefer Street.
Through community gardens, the junk strewn lots and railyards of the False Creek industrial flats, onto the Overpass and through the alleys off Hastings Street, it was a memorable day.
Thanks to all who took part and participated in organizing the outing.

Links to other GUAPC member's pix on flickr--

Dead Photographers Socety - aXo0101

Cue the Quentin Tarantino Music - JakeInVan

Trash - laniwurm

What's mine is mine - Rebelr@t

Scarin the Birds - Skip the Filler

Rail Mail - mag3737

Chimney - Tiny Auto

Are you from the CIA? - Indgo Child

pw1 - riverruns

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